Wedding pictures from Ming Dao and Joe Chen

No, they are not getting married! The lovely couple from dramas like Prince turns to Frog and Ying Ye 3 Jia 1 collaborated on a photo shoot for a wedding photography company in China. Ming Dao showed no bad feelings towards his former on-screen partner after their departure from the management company J-Star. He even recommend Joe Chen/Chen Qiao En to be "his bride" for the ad campaign, re-assuring that they are "not disbanding despite going their separate ways" and complimented that his "old love is still the most beautiful."

Ming Dao has long been a popular choice for wedding photos since his days as a little-known model over 10 years ago. He said proudly, "When I was young, I was the prince of wedding, because the deep contours of my facial features, lots of companies loved hiring me for their wedding pictures." Ming Dao only got paid 10K for a full day of work back then, but don't feel bad for him, his paycheck has risen over 1500 times nowadays.

Ming Dao was overcome by the joyful atmosphere of the photo shoot and expressed his wish to get married. He hopes to ditch his single status and find his future wife in the upcoming year of the Tiger. He doesn't rule out the possibility of a shot-gun marriage if he finds the right person, even if it might decrease his value in the business. As for the conditions he looks for in his future partner, Ming Dao said he is a traditional man. He hopes his wife can be the same as him, be a traditional and virtuous daughter-in-law.


Anonymous said...

all of the pictures look so very sweet and i almost believe that they`re are getting married.....such asweet couple...hope to see them couple...

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